Senin, 26 September 2016


by Nindya Kusuma, DRH

The digestive system starts from the mouth that it contains a salivary gland. In the digestive tract of nutrients contained in the feed will be absorbed further processed by the body in order to work for the body as well. Control of communicable diseases and nutrition improvement or repair of dogs and cats age or lifespan resulting in an increase in the average pet. Age pets can be significantly affected by health care, genetics and nutrition. Increasing the number of pets that have entered the senior age showed an understanding that most of these dogs and cats have been considered a member of the family for years so it requires care and nutrition. The purpose of nutrition in feed for aging pets include supporting the health and vitality, prevent or slow the progression of health problems, and improve the quality of life pet.

Because different types of dogs and cats in the average age and susceptibility to disease, size, and current health should be considered. The general guideline divides dogs into four categories based on the size of an adult, with a small dog is considered old in the elderly than larger dogs. Lifestyle factors must be considered when assessing the metabolic rate and energy needs of older pets. Gastrointestinal system is also changing bleak decreased digestibility of the protein and fat. Senior dogs and cats increased body fat that lead to obesity. Most dogs and cats has decreased slightly to moderate daily energy needs as they age. The food formulated for senior pets that will be slightly lower energy density but still provide optimum levels of essential nutrients.
Older pets have a higher protein requirement bit of maintenance needs of young adult animals. The decline in daily energy needs of senior pets. Percentage of body fat should also be considered at senior animal because it will cause the body's inability to metabolize lipid. Slightly reduce the amount of fat to fat diet beneficial for senior dogs and cats, as long as the fat remains in diet is both very easy to digest and rich in essential fatty acids (EFA).
The immune system has been focused on an antioxidant nutrient. Supplementation with vitamin E and carotenoids, beta-carotene and lutein, has been shown to maintain or even increase the age-related decline in the immune response. Diet feed with sodium restriction and enhanced with omega-3 and amino acids such as taurine and carnitine useful in valvular disease. Taurine an important role for the force of heart muscle contraction. There are a number of therapeutic diets feed to managament of the disease osteoarthritis. Feed for animals affected by osteoarthritis contains a variable amount of omega 3 fatty acids, glucosamine, and chondroitin. With the content in the feed will improve joint function.
The main objective of the feeding and care of senior dogs and cats need to maintain optimal health and body weight in order to prevent obesity, slow or prevent the development of chronic disease and minimize or improve clinical signs of disease that may already exist. Therefore, immediately consulattion proper feed for senior dogs and cats to the vet your pet.

Sumber :
Canine and Feline Nutrition 3rd edition. Linda P. Case, Leighann Daristotle, Michael G.Hayek,
Melody Foess Raasch. 

Canine Nutrition. 1997.  William D. Cusick. 

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