Kamis, 26 Mei 2016


by Alvin Febrianth, DRH

Hair and skin diseases in small animals, especially dogs and cats are the most frequent problems. Almost every pet owner complains that beloved pet with skin problems. Skin problems are most commonly found are hair loss, dandruff, skin redness and crusty. Dog or cat that has long or thick hair often had problems like this. But it is possible for small animals that have short hair also have skin problems.
There are various causes of skin problems and hair, one of them is due to the fungus. Almost all skin and hair problems have similar symptoms. A lot of hair loss, a lot of dandruff in the hair, crusty skin and redness. Symptoms such as these not only appears on the skin diseases caused by fungus, skin and hair problems due to lice, bacteria, allergies and other causes also appeared. It is difficult to know the cause of skin problems and hair based on symptoms. Therefore, it needs further diagnosis test to any skin and hair problems.
In the medical world for fungal skin disorder is called Dermatophytosis or can be referred to as ringworm. Although we call ringworm, this skin disorder is not caused by a worm but by fungi. Skin diseases due to these fungi are zoonosis or can be transmitted from animals to humans or from humans to animals. We call ringworm because the symptoms form round formations such as rings with red color on the skin. These symptoms sometimes appear everywhere, such as in the area of the body and legs. Alopecia or hair loss on the skin lesion is the symptoms usually appear. Symptoms like these are typical of the disorder caused by fungi, but there are also in some animals with hair and skin problems caused by fungi not show symptoms like this.
Besides the typical symptoms of ringworm that appears on the skin, there are some symptoms that arise as a result of the fungus. Symptoms usually appear is too much hair loss. Hair loss is a natural thing, because the hair is old or damaged will fall out and be replaced with new hair that stronger. But in the case of disruption caused by fungi, usually the amount of hair loss will increase. We can see this when we use a comb to straighten our dog or cat hair. The amount of hair sticks on comb more than usual. Even using only our hand is also a lot of hair falling out. This is because the fungus destabilizing the hair thus affecting growth, resulting in hair can be easily damaged and fall.
Other symptoms caused by fungi are the crust or dandruff on the skin. Usually there are only some parts of the body such as the limb, feet, ears and tail. But if hair and skin diseases caused by fungi that never received treatment, dandruff will spread almost throughout the body. If this happen the condition of hair and skin will also be damaged, almost the entire body is filled with dandruff and it will be problem on hair growth. Because dandruff usually cause itching, the dog or cat become more frequent scratching his body. As a result of excessive scratching usually arise irritation so that it will appear redness. With the wounds caused scratching often followed by bacterial infection.
Some of the symptoms that have been mentioned yet, we can be sure that our beloved pets with skin problems as a result of the fungus. Almost all skin diseases have similar symptoms even though the cause is different. Therefore, for all of the skin diseases should be subject to further examination. Immediately consult a veterinarian if your pets show symptoms of skin diseases. The vet will conduct further investigation to determine the causes of skin diseases, whether caused by a fungus or other diseases.
Further examination for Dermatophytosis commonly performed by veterinarians, is the examination of the hair or skin contained crust or dandruff with a microscope. With the microscope examination can be seen crust or dandruff leads to fungus or lice in the hair. Then examined with a Wood's Lamp to see if the skin is crusty fluorescence green or not. If skin glowed then it could lead to disruption due to fungi. Then do the fungi culture on dermatophytosis media. The results of fungi culture will show our beloved dog or cat skin diseases caused by fungus or not.
The skin diseases caused by fungal largely affected by humidity. Dogs and cats love the places that are cool and moist. For example, the cat loves to be in front of the bathroom or in places that are cold, or often play on the grass or soil. This causes the hair and the skin becomes slightly wet and moist. With this moist environment fungi can grow faster. The not complete drying process after a bath becomes a factor causing fungal growth. Another factor is infected by other animals who have suffered skin diseases due to fungi.
If we know the factors causing the hair and skin diseases due to fungi, then we can reduce the risk. That is by limiting the dog or cat been too long in place that is moist and wet. Then wash the stables, feed, litter box, and other equipment commonly dog or cat often use. Playing area also should be cleaned frequently. The hair must completely dry after bathing, especially for a dog or cat that had a long hair, also can reduce the risk of fungal growth. Immediately separate if there is another animal that is suspected to have skin problems. Because of skin problems caused by fungi can be transmitted to humans, we must always maintain the cleanliness. Always wash your hands after handling dogs or cats, especially those who have skin problems.

If it is a dog or cat has skin problems due to fungi, the vet will give the appropriate treatment conditions. Treatment can be given such as ointments, oral medications or to bathe regularly. Use a medicated shampoo for your dog or cat's skin and hair are experiencing problems due to fungi according to the instructions of use or the advice by a veterinarian. Dogs or cats can be bathed one to two weeks until the fungus examination show negative result. Not only the skin problems caused by fungi, almost all skin diseases cannot be easily and quickly recover. Therefore, it needs patience from pet owners to always follow the instructions of veterinary medicine including bathe and check up schedule.

Sumber Pustaka :
Medleau, L. and K.A. Hnilica. 2006. Small Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic
Guide. Second Edition. Saunders Elsevier. USA.
Nuttal, T., Richard G.H. and Patrick J.M. 2009. A Colour Handbook of Skin Diseases of the Dog
and Cat. Second Edition. Manson Publishing Ltd. UK.
Rhodes, Karen H. and Alexander H. Werner. 2011. Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult
Clinical Companion:Small Animal Dermatology. Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing 
Ltd., USA.

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