Senin, 29 Agustus 2016


by  Alvin Febrianth, DRH

Reproductive disorder is an emergency disease in cat. Therefore, we must know the signs or clinical symptoms if our cat had reproductive diseases. Because if we do not know the symptoms or late check our cat to the veterinarian, can be fatal even lead to death. In this case reproductive disorder is pyometra.
 We must understand what pyometra is and how cat has pyometra. Pyometra comes from the word pyo meaning pus and metra which means the uterus, where the uterus is the female genital. So Pyometra is defined as an accumulation of pus within the uterus.
Pyometra can occur when the cat is experiencing some of the estrous cycle or estrus cycle is not followed by their pregnancy. Abnormalities of the hormone cause a thickening of the uterine wall. At the time of this, the liquid will start filling thickened wall of the uterus, and uterine will be filled with liquid in the form of pus because of the body's defense against infection. Pyometra can occur in either the adult female cat had given birth or had never been at all.
            The bacteria are the cause of pus in the uterus. The bacteria can get into the uterus when the cat entered estrus cycle. In this phase, the cervix opens, if the female cat is not at the time of estrus, the cervix will be closed. Cervix is the reproductive organs which can be regarded as a gateway. When the cervix is open, then the bacteria can easily get into the uterus. If the uterus at normal conditions, bacteria cannot survive. But if the uterus had thickening it will be a very beneficial bacteria because it can thrive.
            Pyometra can be classified into two types, open and closed types. Where the open pyometra occurred because the cervix is still open, so that the pus in the uterus may be out. While the type of closed pyometra the cervix has closed position so that the pus in the uterus cannot go out and accumulate very much in the uterus. In the closed type of pus in the uterus that has accumulated so much will cause enlarged uterus. Pus accumulated in the uterus contains a toxin. The toxin will spread and cause cats conditions drop even death.
            Clinical symptoms that appear when a female cat suffering from pyometra are fever, decreased appetite, weakness and depression. In the open type pyometra then we can see the pus out. Discharge is usually white or yellowish even mixed with blood. Often we cannot pay attention to her flow of pus came out because it was licked by our cats. While the closed type we could not see any pus coming out. Symptoms that appear are the magnification in the abdominal area. In this type often we suspect that our cat is pregnant because her belly is enlarged.
            Other symptoms that appear are usually vomiting. Often cats suffering from pyometra showed symptoms of vomiting. This is caused by a bacterial infection that has been so severe that the toxin spread quickly. Another thing that could be the cause of vomiting usually occur during the closed pyometra because uterus conditions were very full of pus that cannot get out cause enlarged uterus and pushing another organ.
            If we look at the typical symptoms of pyometra in our cat, take it to the vet. Because the incidence of pyometra if not treated immediately will result in death. Your veterinarian will perform a thorough inspection includes examination with ultrasound, x-ray and complete blood check. Treatment is made by ovariohysterectomy surgery. If the type of open pyometra is still a small chance could be given medicines, but it is likely to recur or turn into the closed type. In open type is not just another way besides surgery.
            For the prevention of cats that had pyometra is spayed in young age. But if a female cat we used for breeding should be spayed on 4-5 years old. We recommend that if the cat will be mated make sure females and males in a healthy condition to avoid various diseases.

Sumber Pustaka :
Carlson, D.G. and J.M. Griffin. 2008. Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook. Third Edition.
Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

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